Hunter Pain Clinic Russo Marc — Doctor in Broadmeadow

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Hunter Pain Clinic Russo Marc

Doctor at 91 Chatham St, Broadmeadow NSW 2292, Australia, Broadmeadow, New South Wales, 2292 . Here you will find detailed information about Hunter Pain Clinic Russo Marc: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.


Based on 3 reviews


New South Wales
91 Chatham St, Broadmeadow NSW 2292, Australia, Broadmeadow, New South Wales, 2292

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About Hunter Pain Clinic Russo Marc

Hunter Pain Clinic Russo Marc is a Australian Doctor based in Broadmeadow, New South Wales. Hunter Pain Clinic Russo Marc is located at 91 Chatham St, Broadmeadow NSW 2292, Australia,

Please contact Hunter Pain Clinic Russo Marc using information below: Address, Phone number, Fax, Postal code, Website address, E-mail, Facebook. Find Hunter Pain Clinic Russo Marc opening hours and driving directions or map. Find real customer reviews and ratings or write your own review.

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Reviews of Hunter Pain Clinic Russo Marc

  • Bryan
    Added 2016.08.30
    I attended this pain clinic and it was a terrible experience. The doctor was rude and unhelpful and after being in pain for many years it has only stressed me out more. His idea for treatment was to send me on long journeys in a car for physiotherapy and counselling even though I have already seen a physiotherapist and it made my pain much worse when I specifically said travelling in a car was very painful for me and said I should take antidepressants even though I have TMJ which is made worse with antidepressants and they would take six weeks to work and in the meantime I am to take no painkillers even though if I don't I literally cant do anything and am in complete agony. To be told to take antidepressants which when I took before I was literally hallucinating spiders every night but when I told the doctor this I got the feeling that he was going to go out of his way to not help me in anyway so if you are a person in pain don't waste your time here. I have suffered from endometriosis and adenomyosis and had a hysterectomy last year and I have also had glandular fever, Epstein barr virus and swine flu and I have heard of lots of people who get diagnosed with fibromyalgia when they cant get a firm diagnosis on the cause but unfortunately I am one of the unlucky ones who gets left to live a life in pain and no one cares to even try and find out why.
  • Brandon
    Added 2015.10.19
    Dr Marc Russo is a very good pain specialist, he is a very well known man across all of newcastle and even Sydney, The practice has very easy access even though it is hard to get the disabled parking out the front there are plenty of on the street parking for free near by.
  • Noah
    Added 2014.07.15
    Further to my recent review after a terrible experience at the hunter pain clinic I have been successful in finding out what is causing my chronic pain and the doctor I saw here wrote to my doctor and said it was all in my head. Anyone who has genuinely experienced chronic pain would realise what a malicious thing this was to do as it could have prevented another doctor from getting to the bottom of it. I knew this doctor was wrong and was just being nasty to me and I was completely right, once again I would not recommend this pain clinic, it is a complete joke and I will be making a formal complaint to the HCC as it is the only was to make them acknowledge a complaint as when they were written to directly they ignored it and when I put a review on google they took down the google review system for a period of time. This is not the way a respectable medical practice would behave. The doctor I saw is a complete joke and I knew on the day that he was wrong and he simply didn't care about my situation. I guess he's not the expert in chronic pain he claims to be and he made a dangerous error of judgement.
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